Bloody Mary

30 minutes

Sphere fill


Alginate bath

  1. Mix the Vodka, lemon juice, Worcestershire Lea&Perrins sauce, Tabasco, Tomato powder, salt and black pepper.
  2. Stir and add the tomato juice.
  3. Reserve this preparation in the fridge.
  4. To make the spherification, mix with a mixer in a bowl, one liter of water with the Sodium Alginate. * The alginate dissolves better with hot water, 60º approx.
  5. Let the mixture rest for two hours.
  6. Add to 250ml of Bloody Mary the Calcium Gluconolactate and blend.
  7. Let rest in the fridge for a couple of hours until the preparation loses air.
  8. Put the Bloody Mary in spherical molds and freeze.
  9. Once frozen, place the spheres in the alginate bath and leave them submerged for a couple of minutes.
  10. Remove them carefully and pass them through water. Then dip them in oil.
  11. Reserve them in the fridge until serving time.
Assembly and finishing
  1. Plate with Tomato Flakes Crunch Ingredíssimo (ref.608502) and some garlic and celery flowers.