No ravioli with truffled yolk
“Surf and turf”

2 hours

Mixed Base

  • 300g. Onion from Figueras
  • 200g. Onion
  • 150g. Pear tomato
  • 2. Cloves of garlic
  • 300g. Pig bones
  • 300g. Beef bones
  • 300g. Rockfish
  • 200g. Red shrimp
  • 200 ml. Stale wine
  • 200 ml. Red wine
  • 20ml. Mirin
  • CS. Concentrated tomato
  • 1.Ñora (pulp)
  • 1. Bay lead
  • Thyme
  • C/N. EVOO
  • C/N. Water
  • 1 sheet.Gold Leaf Gelatine Ingredíssimo (ref.080002)
  1. Cut all the vegetables into mirepoix.
  2. Brown the vegetables and break them down with the alcohols.
  3. Once the alcohol has evaporated, add the Mirin and the water together with the aromatic herbs.
  4. Let boil for 5 hours over low heat. Strain and reserve in the fridge.
  5. Once cool, defat the layer of oil formed on top and discard.
  6. Heat so that the collagen dissolves.
  7. Moisturize the Gold Leaf Gelatine and add it to the liquid with a blender. Freeze in block.
  8. Once frozen, strain through a mesh or paper-lined cheesecloth to form a very fine strainer. Allow to strain and thaw slowly in the fridge. In this way we will obtain a transparent clarified liquid.

Kappa Veil

  1. Mix the Reduced Mixed Base with the Carrageenan firm gel and mix with a whisk or blender.
  2. Remove the air with a vacuum machine until there are no bubbles.
  3. Bring to a boil, stirring with a tongue, until it reaches 70ºC.
  4. Pour the liquid on a tray forming a veil.
  5. Let cool and cut with a cookie cutter.

Sea and mountain" stuffing

  1. Caramelize the Figueras onion with oil together with the Italian green pepper.
  2. Once it has a dark golden color, add the squid and the black sausage with Brandy. Allow the alcohol to evaporate and gradually add water if necessary so that it does not dry out.
  3. Dissolve the Xanthan Gum separately with 200ml of water with the help of a blender and add it to the mixture when the sauce is cooked. This will prevent water from coming out or remaining in the “Surf and turf” sauce.

Cured egg yolk

  • 3. Eggs
  • 100g. Salt
  • 100g. Sugar
  • 5g. Ground black pepper
  1. Mix the salt, sugar and ground black pepper with rods and arrange half on a tray.
  2. Separate the egg yolks and add them to the bed of salt and sugar.
  3. Finish covering them with the rest of the sugar and salt.
Assembly and finishing
  1. Plate creating the shape of a ravioli and add some truffle slices.